VXIpc-486 Configuration and Installation
Chapter 2
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
© National Instruments Corporation
Connect the external trigger input signal to the TRG IN connector, if required by your
system configuration.
Connect the external audio or trigger output signal to the AUDIO/TRG OUT connector, if
required by your system configuration.
To start the VXIpc-486, turn on the mainframe power. Also apply power to any
peripherals, such as the monitor. The basic input/output system (BIOS) boot sequence
should now begin to display startup messages on the monitor. Chapter 3, BIOS Setup,
contains information on BIOS that you may need in case you either have special BIOS
configuration requirements or you encounter a BIOS-related error message.
The front panel LED indicators also provide information about the VXIpc-486 and VXIbus
system status. The SYSFAIL and FAILED LEDs remain lit until the VXIpc-486 initialization
is run. See Appendix C, Front Panel Indicators, for more information about
the front panel LED operation.
Figure 2-10 shows the front panel of a two-slot VXIpc-486 equipped with the floppy drive
Figure 2-10. VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series Front Panel
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