22 - EOLIS Air Manager 600 600 S 1200 1200 S
mode 2
As soon as you press
a countdown
appears telling you that you have
30 sec to leave
the room:
As you leave, close the door behind you.
• Do not breathe the ozone directly above the
Make sure
no one iS preSent
in the room
during the treatment
for 1 hour
(men, women, chil-
dren, and also pets). Plants and fish may remain.
• Close doors, windows, and turn off the ventila-
tion system.
• Active oxygen is made up of 3 molecules of oxygen
), also known as ozone.
• the ozone generator recreates the phenomenon of
lightning during a storm.
• It destroys VOCs, bad odours, dust mites and spores.
• Ozone is better at killing certain micro-organisms
than chlorine. Ozone created
electrically returns to its initial form of oxygen (O
) in a
few hours.
• When this feature is inactive, your unit is emitting 0
ppm of ozone.
• When MODE 2 is activated:
1 - the unit emits ozone for
15 minutes
at a
low rate.
2 - For the following
45 minutes
, the unit is
no longer emitting ozone, and works at high
speed to absorb the ozone in the air.
3 - After
at least 1 hour
, the unit begins oper-
ating normally with the preset settings.
You can return to the room.
the tONES are activated as soon as you press on a button, and as soon as ozone is emitted. to
activate the tONES, press the ON button. to deactivate them, press the OFF button.
high SenSitivity
this mode is recommended for people who are very sensitive to air quality. the hIGh SENSItIV-
ITy mode should be activated in an indoor environment with little pollution when your air man-
ager is in ACtIV MODE. the unit adapts its operation by taking the low level of pollution into
account, and can therefore detect smaller peaks in pollution. to activate the hIGh SENSItIVItY mode,
press the ON button. to deactivate it, press the OFF button.
To RESET the settings on your unit, press the ON button. All of the custom and saved data will be
DEMO mode is a general presentation tool for the air manager (used mainly in retail outlets
where this model is sold). to activate DEMO mode, press the ON button. to exit this mode, press
on the cross in the top left corner of your screen.
to hide this mode, hold down the OFF button.
Get technical information about your air manager (model and software). this information may be
requested when you contact your dealer.
Function accessible only by your dealer