Connect the two wires that are connected to the CENTER 2 PINS of the 8 pin
RJ45 socket of DS2, to the screw terminals located on the back of the DOOR
PHONE. Polarity is not important.
If you plan to use the interface unit, then the terminals for the GREEN and
RED wires should be connected to the screw terminals located on the back of
the DOOR PHONE. Polarity is not important.
The LED on the DOOR PHONE should turn ON (DS2 must be ON).
The DOOR PHONE should be mounted onto your wall surface. With DP1 this
is done by separating the Door Phone unit from the integral backing plate,
secured by a screw underneath the grey plastic label, above the speaker. The
backing plate should then be screwed to the wall surface, before re-attaching
the Door Phone with the securing screw.
Audio Connection - Connect Pins 4 & 5 (the center 2 pins) of the 8 pin RJ45
socket of DS2 to the center 2 inputs of the supplied 4 position Phoenix Plug.
Polarity is not important.
If you plan to use the interface unit, then the terminals for the GREEN and
RED wires should be connected to the center 2 positions of the 4 position
Phoenix Plug. Polarity is not important.
Power Connection - Connect Pins 3 & 6 (the 2 pins either side of the center 2
pins) of the 8 pin RJ45 socket of DS2, to the outside positions of the 4 position
Phoenix Plug. Polarity is not important
If you plan to use the Connection Box, then the terminals for the YELLOW and
BLACK wires should be connected to the outside positions of the 4 position
Phoenix Plug. Polarity is not important.
The LED on the DOOR PHONE should now turn ON (DS2 must be ON).
Your DP2-DP5 unit should be screwed direct to the wall with the 2 supplied
mounting screws, or to the optional Surface Mounting Kit.