– The temperature regulator is on the lower part
of the sauna stove. The temperature desired in
the sauna can be selected using the regulator.
The broadening line on the scale shows the
rising temperature. When switching clockwise,
the temperature is rising and, when switching
counter-clockwise, the temperature is falling.
– The sauna warms up most rapidly by switching
the temperature regulator to the max. position.
– The size of the sauna, the starting tempera-
ture, the thermal insulation, the non-insulated
surfaces and how the stones have been piled
effect how soon the sauna warms up.
– If the temperature in the sauna is rising dager-
ously high the temperature regulator switches
off the stove. The temperature regulator can
be switched on again by pressing a blunt tool in
the hole with a diameter of 3 mm at the end of
the electrical box (Figure 8).
– If the sauna stove does not start functioning
again, check if the clock switch has been
switched off and the fuses of the stove on the
fuse board have not blown.
– If the sauna stove does not warm up after
these measures please contact the service
– The air exchange in the steam room must be
as efficient as possible, in order to guarantee
sufficient oxygen content and availability of
fresh air. The air in the steam room should
be changed 3-6 times in an hour. It is recom-
mended that the ventilation be realised in
accordance with the HVAC designer’s plan
– The fresh air is directed through a ca. 100-mm
diameter duct. The outlet duct should be larger
in diameter than the inlet duct. If the ventilation
is mechanical, we recommend placing the inlet
air valve in the ceiling near the heater.
– If the ventilation is natural, we recommend plac-
ing the inlet air valve on the side of the heater or
under it, either in the wall or in the floor.
– It is important to introduce fresh air, so that the
air mixes with the air and the steam.
– The exiting air should be exhausted from near
the floor as far as possible from the incoming air.
– The air exhaust valve may be located under the
sauna benches.
– The exiting air may be directed out of the
steam room through the washroom, for
instance under the door. There must be an
approximately 100-150-wide slit between the
door and the floor.
– If you provide your sauna with a separate
drying valve, place it in the ceiling of the steam
room. (This valve shall be closed during the use
of the sauna.)
Figure 8.