Technisches Handbuch
Operating modes
Issue: V 1.0
4 Operating
4.1 Serial operating modes
Depending on the travel profile, the motor can be operated in serial mode using
different operating modes. Due to the great capacity and functions available, it offers
designers and developers a rapid and simple method of resolving numerous drive
requirements with less programming effort.
Select the required operating mode for each drive profile and configure the controller
according to your requirements.
More detailed information can be found in the separate NanoPro manual.
Overview of operating modes and their areas of application
Operation mode
Relative positioning
Absolute positioning
Use this mode when you wish to travel to a specific
The motor travels according to a specified drive profile
from a Position A to a Position B.
External reference run
During an external reference run, the motor travels to
a switch connected to the reference input.
Speed mode
Use this mode when you wish to travel with a specific
speed (e.g. a conveyor belt or pump speed).
In the speed mode, the motor accelerates with a
specified ramp from the starting speed (start frequency
"V Start") to the specified maximum speed (maximum
frequency "V Normal").
Several inputs enable the speed to be changed on-
the-fly to different speeds.
Flag positioning mode
The flag positioning mode offers a combination of the
speed and positioning modes. The motor is initially
operated in speed mode; when a trigger point is
reached, it changes to the positioning mode and the
specified setpoint position (relative to the trigger
position) is approached.
This operating mode is used for labeling, for example:
the motor first travels with the set ramp to the
synchronous speed of the conveyed goods. When the
labels are detected, the preset distance (position) is
traveled to apply the labels.