6 Operating modes
6.5.3 Homing method Description
The homing method is written as a number in object 6098
and decides whether, on a switch edge (rising/
falling), a current threshold for block detection or an index pulse is referenced or in which direction homing
starts. Methods that use the index pulse of the encoder lie in the number range 1 to 14, 33 and 34. Methods
that do not use the index pulse of the encoder lie between 17 and 30, but are identical to methods 1 to 14
with respect to the travel profiles. These number are shown in circles in the following figures. Methods for
which no limit switches are used and, instead, travel against a block is to be detected, a minus must be
placed before the method number when making the call.
In the following graphics, the negative movement direction is to the left. The limit switch is located before the
respective mechanical block; the home switch is located between the two limit switches. The index pulses
come from the connected encoder.
For methods that use homing on block, the same figures apply as for the methods with limit switch. Because
nothing is different aside from the missing limit switches, the same figures are used. For the figures here, the
limit switches must be replaced with a mechanical block. Homing on block
Homing on block currently only functions in closed loop mode.
"Homing on block" functions like every homing method with the difference that instead of a limit switch, a
block (limit stop) is used for positioning. Two settings are to be made here:
1. Current level: In object 203A
:01, the current level is defined above which movement against the block is
2. Blocking duration: In object 203A
:02, the duration during which the motor moves against the block is set.
motor current
level of blocking
current 203A
blocking time
:02 Overview of methods
Methods 1 to 14 as well as 33 and 34 use the index pulse of the encoder.
Methods 17 to 32 are identical to methods 1 to 14 with the difference that only limit or home switches are
used for referencing and not the index pulse.
Methods 1 to 14 use an index pulse.
Methods 17 to 30 do not use an index pulse.
Methods 33 and 34 reference only to the next index pulse.
Method 35 references to the current position.
The following methods can be used for homing on block:
Methods -1 to -2 and -7 to -14 contain an index pulse
Methods -17 to -18 and -23 to -30 have no index pulse Methods 1 and 2
Reference to limit switches and index pulse.
Method 1 references to negative limit switch and index pulse:
Version: 2.0.1 / FIR-v1650