S.A.R.L au capital de 500 100 Euro Siret : 444.396.519.00027 APE : 4669A TVA intracom : FR-35444.396.519
This box is a gateway between the EnOcean world and the IP world. The IP address is
allocated by DHCP.
EnOcean is an ISO international communication protocol dedicated to wireless and battery
less sensors and actuators, for low-energy buildings.
EnOcean radio telegrams are standardized and defined by a profile number (
rofile or EEP).
Certain profiles combine several values, such as the CO2 profile that also includes relative
humidity and room temperature. So for such telegram there will be 3 outputs channels in 16
bits float on IP.
The gateway allows pairing up to 36 EnOcean devices and sends data in the cloud (Xively)
and/or in a remote private database. (Note: this preliminary version does not allow setting
up another cloud service than Xively and the customer remote database!
The data recorded in Xively are downloadable in different formats (rtf, excel, XML JSON)
with a web browser.
Service storage and graphs display is free of charge and provided by
The data can be confidential or public (shared) according to customer choice.
This gateway has several usages:
• Render a real time dashboard pf the building
• Monitor energy consumption of the building
o Power consumption by function
o Water consumption including hot water.
o Natural Gas Consumption
• Monitor the indoor air quality
• Monitor the comfort (temperature, humidity)
• Archive data (occupancies, windows opening, temperature settings, consumptions
...) for a better understanding of energy consumptions and usages.
Note that there are two versions of the firmware:
One for North America with temperature expressed in °F, gas and water flow in
gallon and radon in Pico curie
One for the rest of the world with temperature expressed in °C and other value as
per ISO.
Connecting to a PC, tablet or smartphone.
The gateway has an embedded web server providing a setting web page.