S.A.R.L au capital de 500 100 Euro Siret : 444.396.519.00027 APE : 4669A TVA intracom : FR-35444.396.519
Example of automatically created field:
The frame
Cloud Services
keeps track of the correct transmission of data in the cloud.
The gateway stores the data then transmit them to the database and in the cloud when the
buffer reaches 80% of its capacity (can takes few minutes).
Data retrieval
Data recorded automatically degrade as and when of the time for not unnecessarily
overloading data storage.
The degradation is to reduce the number of data of more than 6 hours old by averaging two
consecutive measures and so on.
If you want to keep the data in Xively without degradation, there is a subscription (not free).
Private data base
You can also use a private database to store your data. To do this, you have to create a database on
your server or your website, and a “php” file (annex 1) in one of your server or web site folder to
send data into your database.