S.A.R.L au capital de 500 100 Euro Siret : 444.396.519.00027 APE : 4669A TVA intracom : FR-35444.396.519
The trigger is set up!
Connecting Xively to Zap
Go back to Zapier
, click continue twice.
There are options to filter the JSON coming from Xively. This can be very useful if you want
to send the entire Xively Post. If you are just looking for a few data values, go to the next
Next you shall fill in the details of the interaction you desire, this can vary greatly depending
on what the other side of your Zap is. Some Zaps require additional setup, authorization,
and/or API keys.
In the body of your mail you can add some fields that come from the HTTP POST. To
do so click
Click twice
Return to the Xively workbench and send a test trigger