S.A.R.L au capital de 500 100 Euro Siret : 444.396.519.00027 APE : 4669A TVA intracom : FR-35444.396.519
In the “
EnOcean setting
frame, activate the “
button. The Gateway will start
listening pairing EnOcean switch telegrams.
Launch the pairing telegram of an EnOcean sensor or switch.
Upon receipt, the identification number (ID) of the sensor is displayed. If the sensor
transmits its profile number (EEP), it also appears.
Click on “
” to set the device’s data.
If the sensor does not send its profile (EEP number), use the scroller to specify his EEP and /
or if the EEP number is not correct.
Check the product manual in case of doubt.
Alias (11 characters max) without spaces
EEP number