ETC Setup Guide
Response Mk2 Two-Port Gateway
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© 2020 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. Trademark and patent info:
Product information and specifications subject to change. ETC intends this document to be provided in its entirety.
4268M2210 Rev D Released 2020-08
This guide covers installation and basic setup of the Response Mk2 Two-Port Gateway. You can
configure additional software features using ETC Concert software. Reference the Help system built
into Concert for more information. ETC Concert software can be found at
There are two versions of the Two-Port Gateway: a wall-mount version and a portable version.
Wall-mount Front View
Wall-mount Back View
OLED screen
Touch to
Wake Sensor
Up, Down, Back,
Enter buttons
Reset button
Available connectors:
DMX Out (XLR Female)
DMX In (XLR Male)
Aux power
Ground screw
Action Buttons
Up, Down, Back buttons - The Back button allows you to return to the previous menu or option
and the Up and Down buttons navigate between menu options
Enter - The Enter button allows you to advance to the next available menu option or commit a
modified selection
Reset - The Reset button provides a physical button to reset the gateway
Touch to Wake Sensor - Cover the sensor with your hand to wake the display
LED Indicators
Power - Solid blue indicates that power is supplied
Network - Solid green indicates network connection and blinking indicates network activity