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10. Software STEVE
Digitally staining
How to digitally stain cells with STEVE
1. Choose a meaningful slice on the 2D visualization panel (left side).
Dragging the mouse up to down (left click pushed) on the 2D visualization panel or by moving the Slices slider.
2. Pick a new stain.
Click on the + button.
3. Choose a name (optional).
Click on the black-gray line edit form.
Write down the name in the line text input.
4. Choose a color.
Click on your desired color.
Option: drag the mouse to have a more precise vision of the color that you could select.
5. Go to the 2D visualization panel and draw.
Click and/or drag the mouse on your desired region of interest. The pixels under your cursor are glowing in the panel view. When you
release the mouse, we compute the stain from your selected pixels.
Option: You could zoom in on the 2D visualization panel by wheeling the mouse.
6. Now the stain is represented in the panel view and superimposed on the 2D visualization panel.
Option: you could change the weight of the colored image on the 2D visualization panel by moving the Overlay slider.