EVE™ PLUS, Automated Cell Counter
To obtain the best results, follow these recommendations:
1. Wear Protective gloves during sample handling.
2. Do not touch the optical surfaces of the EVE™ Cell counting slides. Hold
the cell counting slides by the edges.
3. Use the EVE™ PLUS at room temperature only (5 - 40 °C).
4. For accurate viability count results, ensure the counting area is covered
with cell suspension and count cells within 3 minutes of mixing the cells
with trypan blue solution as trypan blue is toxic to cells.
5. For best data with biological samples, we recommend counting at least
two samples and taking an average.
6. The calibration completed EVE
PLUS will be supplied. If necessary, rec-
alibrate your instrument (page 12).
7. The EVE™ PLUS storage holds up to 500 data. If need a test report, save
the data to the USB drive whenever you want. You may transfer the data
to your PC, using the USB drive as described in transferring data to a PC
(page 27).
8. After using EVE™ PLUS, appropriately dispose slides as biohazardous
9. Do not reuse the cell counting slides.