B M - 0 2 N a n n y B a b y R e s p i r a t i o n M o n i t o r
M F V 5 2 1 0 4 N AV- 0 3 2 . 0 4
Lower your baby into the cot.
Turn the unit on. The indicators will flash and you should hear a beep.
The green indicator will flash as your baby breathes or moves.
If your baby stops breathing for more than 20 seconds, or her breathing rate is too low then a loud
alarm will sound from the control unit together with a flashing red indicator.
When the alarm sounds check your baby and provide first aid if necessary.
Make sure that there
are no obstructions in her breathing passages, start resuscitation then call the emergency services. In
some cases of apnea (cessation of breathing), the sound of the alarm may rouse the baby sufficiently
to get her breathing again. The alarm can be stopped by switching the unit off.
Please note: False alarms may occur if the installation guidelines are not followed or if the infant crawls
off the pad.
The Nanny BM-02 should be tested once a week by following this procedure:
When the baby is in the cot and the unit is ON, the green indicator should flash as the baby breathes
and moves.
Leave the unit ON and take the baby out of the bed. The green indicator may continue to flash for
a short time due to the vibrations caused by the removal of your baby. Do not hold or touch the bed
as the device may detect your breathing.
When the flashing has stopped for 20 seconds, the unit will emit warning beeps for 5 seconds and
then sound the alarm. The red indicator should also be flashing when the alarm is triggered. Stop the
alarm by turning the switch on the unit OFF.
If the device does not work as described above, check that:
There is a beep after switching it on. If not, check the batteries.
After lifting the baby out of the cot the green indicator should stop flashing within a minute or so. If
the green indicator continues to flash then the device is detecting environmental vibrations – see the
following warning.
The Nanny is sensitive enough to detect the slightest movement caused by a baby’s breathing.
Environmental vibrations of the bed, the floor or the entire building can influence its performance.
The cot should not be in physical contact with another bed which is being used by another person or
animal nor should it be in contact with any device that generates vibrations. Environmental vibrations
can also be caused by a powerful air movement, for example; air movement caused by a fan, air-con-
ditioning or even just walking past the cot!
If you need to move the cot to a new location ensure that you test the Nanny has not been
compromised by any new and unforeseen environmental vibrations at the new location.
Do not use a mattress made of a hard material such as expanded polystyrene as this may result in
the device malfunctioning, harder materials tend to transmit environmental vibrations more efficiently
than softer materials.
Please be aware that the device can only warn you of an emergency with respect to a baby’s low
respiration (breathing) rate. Once the alarm is sounded an adult should be close enough to respond
quickly and if it is an emergency be prepared to carry out resuscitation on the child and arrange for
the emergency services to be called.
The manufacturer provides a warranty for the Nanny. The warranty does not extend to batteries and
the manufacturer is not responsible if it is found that the Nanny has not been used in accordance with
the instructions outlined in this manual. The lifetime of the sensor pad is 2 years. At the end of 2-years
Dystrybucja systemów Jablotron: MBS SYSTEMS s.c.