Install the jib cleat bl o cks onto the
cars located on the front beam (2).
Be sure to install the stand up
s p ri n g s.Tie one end of the jib sheet
to the becket on one of the jib
bl o ck s, and thread one of the 2 bu l-
let bl o cks onto the line (1). Run the
line through the cleat bl o cks and
behind the mast to the other bl o ck ,
and through the cleat first, and out
through the bl o ck . Thread a bu l l e t
bl o ck on, and tie the end of the
sheet to the becket on that bl o ck .
Attach the jib sheet bl o cks to the clew of the jib using the
3 / 1 6 ” s h a ck l e.
Remove the clevis pin from the gooseneck assembly on the
boom, and connect the boom to the bracket on the mast, and pin
in place on the mast (3).
Tie the 5/16” rotator limiter lines to the diamond wire turnbuckles and lead them back to the clamcleats
on the boom, and install the stopper balls.
From the rotator kit bag, shackle the double airblock and spring onto the mast wishbone, and the triple
onto the eyestrap on the boom (4). Run the line from the cleat on one hull, under the tramp, through
the cheek block on the beam, up through the tramp grommet to the check block on the boom and
through the rotator purchase, and continue to the respective blocks on the opposite side.