To thread the mainsheet line, lay the bl o cks on their side,
or attach them to the boom as if sailing. S t a rt at the lowe r
bl o ck cleat and ratchet, and wo rk your way through the
bl o cks until complete. S h a ckle the lower bl o ck to the
t raveler car with a 1/4” s h a ckle (1, 2).
Tie the split tailed end of the traveler line to the
two eye straps on the rear beam. Make sure to tie
them so the line joins in the middle, allowing the
traveler car to be centered. Run the line through
the traveler car and cleat. You can tie a stopper
knot, or tie the tail end to the mainsheet line (3).
Attach the jib halyard shackle wire
to the head of the jib, and start the
zipper around the fo r e s t ay. Run the
tail end of the jib halyard line in the
zipper with the fo r e s t ay, and pull the
jib up, zipping it closed as you pull
on the halyard (4). When the jib is
all the way up, shackle the tack to
the tab on the fo r e s t ay chainplate.
R e m ove halyard line and attach the
s h o rt line to the halyard, bl o ck or
a d j u s t e r. Run line through adjuster,
bl o ck or halyard (purchase not
needed on recreational boats) then
cleat it off (5). Tension rig befo r e
d ownhauling jib, fo r e s t ay should
n ever be loose within jib.