Unroll the mainsail on a clean, flat surface,
and insert the battens into the appropriate
batten pockets making sure that the batten
tips fit into the batten pockets. Fold the bat-
ten tie line in half and loop it through the
grommet on one side of the batten pocket.
Lead both ends of the tie through the batten
and then through the grommet on the oppo-
site side. Tie an overhand knot while push-
ing the batten into the sail with your thumb
(1). Tension the battens enough to eliminate
all the wrinkles from the sail. Finish tying
with a square knot and tuck the loose ends
into the batten pocket.
A l ways face the boat into the wind
when raising or lowe ring your sails.
S h a ckle the main halyard twist
s h a ckle to the head of the sail and
begin to feed the head into the
sail slot on the mast and pull on
the halyard line (2). Feed the sail
into the tr a ck as you pull it up. T h e
h a l yard ring will hook onto the hal-
yard hook when the sail is r a i s e d
completely (3).
To lower the main, pull on the halyard line to raise the ring above the halyard hook on the mast, and
rotate the mast in either direction. While holding the mast rotated, release the halyard line, and pull
down gently on the mainsail.
Attach the spinnaker sheet
ratchet bl o cks to the eye s t ra p
on the hull inboard of the
shroud adjuster (4), or shack l e
them to the shroud adjuster (5),
depending on boat model.
Secure the shackle with seizing wire. Pull and twist tight with needle-nosed pliers. Check the wire to
be sure that it is held tightly and tape it to prevent damage.