The MyGate Q71B Control Board Installation Manual : Printed 06/11/2012 14:25
Weather condition - As the key-fob remotes function by transmitting a radio frequency signal to the control
board, signal quality can be diminished as a result of poor weather; rain, fog and in some cases electrical
storms. In these situations, capture range can reduce to as little as 5M. Using an extended aerial will
increase capture range to 80M in all weather.
Key-fob - My gates are opening randomly for no reason, is someone else using my key-fob signal?
With any unit that transmits a radio frequency, there are incidences where radio receiving equipment
catches the signal and thinks it is intended for that unit by recognizing the coding contained within that
frequency it has intercepted. In this case, the gate control board radio receiver unit has collected a signal
that is similar if not almost the same as the one your key-fob is transmitting and believes it is being told to
open by you.
The key-fobs transmit a 433,92Mhz frequency and are DIP switch operated. To resolve this clash of
signals, we need to give the control board another code to recognize. This is done in three steps:
Step 1: Deleting your existing key-fob code.
Press button P1 on the control board until DL1 light comes on. Keep this button pressed for a
further 10 seconds, the DL1 light will go out. This is confirmation all key fob codes have been
Step 2: Re-modulating the frequency code
On the reverse side of your key-fob
’s casing is a small metal screw. Remove the screw and remove the
front cover of the key-fob. Please be careful when removing the key-fob cover as the tactile switch circular
button covers are loose and may fall out from their place.
Look towards the bottom of the key-fob
’s printed circuit board (PCB) and you will see a row of white tiny
DIP switches. By moving the DIP switches, the key-fob will transmit a different coded frequency. Use a pin
or tip of pencil to move a few of these switches up and down. Re-attach the key-fobs case, paying attention
to the alignment of the tactile switch covers and screw the case tightly in place.
Step 3: Programming the control board to accept your key-fob signal
a) Press
on the control panel
once and hold for a few seconds then release.
The DL1
light will come on then will go off then come on again. You will hear the relay on the control board
click once. The light will stay on for 10 seconds, allowing 10 seconds to program the remote control
to the control board.
b) Press and hold the button on the remote control until the DL1 light goes off and the relay on the
control board “clicks”.
Key-fob - What range does the remote key-fob have?
The radio frequency range is 30m from the key-fob, on an ideal day. As the key-fob remotes function by
transmitting a radio frequency signal to the control board, signal quality can be diminished as a result of
poor weather including rain or fog and in some cases electrical storms. In these situations, capture range
by the built-in aerial can reduce to as little as 5m. Using the Gate Motors Extended Aerial in conjunction
with your automation kit will ensure up to 80m signal capture range in all conditions.
– What are the extra buttons on the remote key-fob for?
To avoid having to carry around a pile of different remote controls for your other remote devices, these
buttons may be programmed to open a second gate, a garage door, outside lighting, etcetera. In order for
these devices to work with the MyKey key-fob remotes, each device will need an additional radio receiver.