The MyGate Q71B Control Board Installation Manual : Printed 06/11/2012 14:25
There are incidences where the Obstacle Detection level can be sensitive when the gate is about to fully
open / close (gate leaf rests against gate stop). When the motor is decelerating, it is using a quarter of its
power consumption. Therefore even the friction created by the coming into contact with your gate stops
may trigger the obstacle detection system and the gates will reverse.
This sensitivity during deceleration of the motors can be adjusted with ease by simply moving the DIP
switches marked on the control board as DS2 (illustrated below):
Sometimes anomalies are encountered during the normal duty cycle, for example:
Gate stops and reverses before completing full travel when opening
Gate stops and reverses just after starting
Repeated ‘stop & reverse’ incidences are specifically seen in cases where heavy gates are being
automated and/or gates with hinges that adds friction to the gates motion and sudden temperature falls.
It is possible to reduce the sensibility level of the obstacle detection applying the following procedure:
1) Keep buttons P1 & P2 pressed at the same time - the Led DL1 will blink a certain number of times
(example: 10 blinks), then let go of P1 & P2 and keep a note of the amount of times the light blinks.
2) After the DL1 light has stopped blinking, press P1 as many times as the number of blinks seen
then add 3 additional times (example: 10 + 3 = 13 times). Every press of the P1 button corresponds
to the blinking of the DL1 light.
3) Confirm the procedure by pressing button P2
The procedure is now completed and the level of the obstacle detection has been reduced. If the anomalies
continue to re-occur (false and repeated stops / reversing) repeat the same procedure again up to step 2,
and then follow step 2 but instead of adding 3 additional strokes of the P1 button, this time increase by
The Obstacle Detection feature on this control board is completely self-learning. Please remember that it is
essential after completing the installation programming process to run a complete open and close cycle
before general use.