Mutable Instruments | Yarns
In single-voice layouts (1M, and 2>), the 4 CV outputs are assigned to:
V/Oct note
Modulation wheel
Assignable (aftertouch, expression pedal, breath controller, LFO… More on that in the “Layout and MIDI
The 4 gate/trigger outputs are assigned to:
Gate (a signal at a +5V level whenever a key is pressed and held)
Trigger (short pulse at the beginning of each note)
Start/bar trigger (more on that in the “Clock and tempo” section).
Dual voice Layouts
In dual-voice layouts (2M, 2P and 4>), the 4 CV outputs are assigned to:
Voice 1 V/Oct note
Voice 2 V/Oct note
Modulation wheel
The 4 gate/trigger outputs are assigned to:
Voice 1 gate
Voice 2 gate
Start/bar trigger
Quad voice layouts
In four-voice layouts (4M, 4P and 8>), the 4 CV outputs are assigned to each voice’s V/Oct note. The 4
gate/trigger outputs are assigned to each voice’s gate.
Quad triggers layout
In the quad trigger layout (4T) mode, which is optimized for percussions patches, the 4 CV outputs emit
excitation pulses. In their simplest form, the excitation pulses are the +5V trigger you’ve learnt to love - but
options are provided to stretch them in time, shape them like envelopes, or even scale them with velocity!
This produces signals particularly useful for “pinging” filters, low-pass gates, or tuned delay lines.
The 4 gate/trigger outputs are assigned to:
Voice 1’s trigger with routing controlled by voice 2’s gate.
Voice 1’s trigger with routing controlled by voice 2’s gate.
Start/bar trigger
A word about this mysterious voice
routing affair… Here is how it works: if voice 2 is off when a trigger
arrives on voice 1, it’ll come out of the trigger output 1. If voice 2 is on when a trigger arrives on voice 1, it’ll
come out of the trigger output 2. This feature can be used creatively for getting the same drum sound (voice
1) played differently depending on whether it is played alongside another drum sound (voice 2). Don’t panic
though - the regular triggers are of course available on the 4 CV outputs!