Mutable Instruments | Yarns
This section lists the different settings related to layout and MIDI reception.
LA(YOUT): Voices/parts layout. The different options have been exposed in the “Yarns’ architecture” section.
PA(RT): Active part. Many settings - such as the MIDI channel, arpeggiator pattern, etc. - can be set to
different values for each part. When a layout is made of several parts (2M, 4M, 4T), this setting is used to
select the part to modify. This option is not visible in mono-timbral layouts.
CH(ANNEL): MIDI reception channel. A part can be made to respond to all MIDI channels (omni mode).
NO(TE): MIDI reception note. This option is only shown with the 4T layout, in which each part is triggered by
a different MIDI note.
>> (OUTPUT MIDI MODE): MIDI output routing. When set to OFF, none of the events received by this part
are forwarded to the MIDI out. When set to THRU, all events received by this part are forwarded to the MIDI
out without any processing. Finally, when set to AR(P/SEQ), all the notes generated by this part’s
arpeggiator/sequencer are sent to the MIDI OUT.
VO(ICING): Voice allocation method. This option is shown when more than one voices are assigned to the
part (2P, 4P, 2>, 4>, 8>):
PO(LY) is a natural voice-stealing algorithm.
CY(CLIC) dispatches the note to each voice one after the other. This is a very naive approach to polyphony!
RA(NDOM) randomly assigns the note to a voice.
VE(LOCITY) dispatches low-velocity notes to the first voice, high-velocity notes to the last one, and anything else
NP (NOTE PRIORITY): Note priority. This option is only shown when a single voice is assigned to a part, and
decides what to do when several keys are pressed simultaneously. The LO(W)est and HI(GH)est note priority
options are “historical” settings, reproducing the behavior of early keyboard scanners. LA(TEST) note priority
is the most natural behavior and is the one found in modern monosynths. You play and hold a C… you get a
C. You play a G… the G takes over. Now you release the G… the C springs back.
RC (REMOTE CONTROL CHANNEL). This specifies a channel which can be used to simultaneously control
the parameters of each of the four parts. Please refer to
the MIDI implementation chart