Mutable Instruments | Yarns
The first sections were focusing on how MIDI messages flow through the unit - sent in parallel to parts and
then allocated to voices. This section presents the options related to the CV/Gate conversion itself. Note that
some of these options might not be available with the 4T layout - portamento or vibrato are not very relevant
to rhythmic pulses!
LG (LEGATO): Legato mode. When the legato mode is off, a trigger is sent at each new note, and
portamento is applied to the note CV signal (see next setting) - irrespectively of the playing style. When the
legato mode is on, portamento is only applied to overlapping notes (played legato); and a trigger is sent only
when a new note does not overlap with the previous one. This setting is only available in monophonic layouts
(1M, 2M, 4M).
PO(RTAMENTO): Portamento speed. This setting controls the time taken by notes to glide into one another.
BR (BEND RANGE): Pitch bend range in semitones. Controls by how many semitones (up to 24) the note is
shifted up or down when the pitch bend lever is set to its extreme positions. When this setting is 0, pitch-bend
is disabled.
VR (VIBRATO RANGE): Vibrato range in semitones. The vibrato amount is controlled by the modulation
wheel. When this setting is 0, vibrato is disabled.
VS (VIBRATO SPEED): Vibrato speed. The last settings are clock divisions - in this case the vibrato LFO will
be locked to the MIDI clock.
T- (TRIGGER DURATION): Duration of the trigger pulse. With the 1M or 2> layouts, the trigger duration is
expressed in milliseconds. In 4T mode, the trigger duration follows an exponential scale, to reach durations in
the order of seconds. Other layouts do not offer trigger outputs.
T* (TRIGGER SCALING): This setting (available only with the 4T layout) can scale the amplitude of the
trigger output according to velocity. This is of no use when using the trigger as a logic signal (for example to
start an envelope), but suddenly makes much more sense when the trigger is used to “ping” a filter or LPG; or
when it is directly used as an envelope or modulation source sent, for example, to a VCA.
T/| (TRIGGER WAVESHAPE): Various shapes of trigger pulses are available, producing different results
when “pinging” filters. SQ is the standard square “logic” pulse. LI(NEAR) is a linear decay. EX(PO) is an
exponential decay. RI(NG) is a short sinusoidal burst with an exponential decay, similar to a damped kick or
to a clave depending on the trigger duration. ST(EP) is a rapid-fire sequence of pulses with decaying
amplitude. Finally, BU(RST) is a burst of white noise with an exponential decay.
CV (AUX CV OUT): This setting controls which signal is sent to the 4th CV output in single and two-voice
layouts. The options are: AT(AFTERTOUCH), BR(EATH) controller (MIDI CC# 2), PE(DAL) (MIDI CC#4),
VI(BRATO LFO) - which is a triangle LFO whose amplitude is controlled by the modulation wheel, and whose
speed is controlled by the VS (VIBRATO SPEED) setting. LFO is similar to VIBRATO LFO, except that the
amplitude is constant, instead of being controlled by the modulation wheel.
Some of Yarns’ CV output channels can be reconfigured as digital oscillators. To do so, select the
OS(CILLATOR) setting. The available waveforms are sawtooth, 25% rectangle, square, triangle and sine.
The oscillator signal is produced:
On CV4 in monophonic mode (1M)
On CV3 and CV4 in duophonic modes (2M or 2P)
On CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4 in quadraphonic modes (4M or 4P)
The first setting of the OS parameter (OFF) disables audio output and causes the channel to behave as a CV
output as expected.