Hand Extruder MEK-40,65 / MAK-40,65
Page 12/20
Issue 08.2008/Rev. 01
MUNSCH Kunststoff-Schweißtechnik GmbH
5.4.5 Shutoff
Observe section “Safety”.
After completion of the welding job, switch off
the drive unit and deposit the hand extruder as
shown in the illustration (see preceding section).
Do not leave the hand extruder unattended. Hand extruder with integrated air supply,
type MAK
Press “return“ button once to switch off the heat-
ing circuits.
Maintain the air supply of the hand ex-
truder until the unit has completely cooled down!
Pull mains connector. Hand extruder with external air supply,
type MEK
Press “return“ button once to switch off the heat-
ing circuits.
Pull mains connector.
Maintain the air supply of the hand ex-
truder until the unit has completely cooled down!
Never use water or another coolant to
accelerate the cooling process!
5.4.6 Transport/Storage
Make sure to observe the instructions under section
5.5 Set temperatures on temperature controller
The default settings for the melt and air temperatures
of the MEK and MAK hand extruders are shown in
the following temperature chart.
(The values have been determined with the aid of
reference materials.)
Temperature chart for MEK/MAK
Melt temperature
Air temperature
200 – 240 °C
250 – 300 °C
200 – 240 °C
250 – 300 °C
240 – 260 °C
280 – 350° C
If other temperatures are needed the corresponding
settings can be made on the temperature controller.
5.5.1 Set temperatures