Access 3000 Compact Supervisor’s Guide
9261-7849 Issue 1
4.23 Reports
1. Press:
Ctrl 1
2. Select:
Reports [5]
The reports section has four sub-menus, these are:
Memory Errors [1]
Operating Problems [2]
A3K Bus Usage [3]
Pager Summary [4]
The first two sub-menus: Memory Errors and Operating Problems, these are used
to override system faults. When a fault occurs it is recommended that you note
down the circumstances in which it occurred and if possible any error messages,
then report it to your Multitone Field Service Engineer who will be able to assess
the seriousness of the problem.
The last two sub-menus: A3K Bus Usage and Pager Summary provide information
only. In the main these will be used by a Multitone Service Engineer to undertake
an audit of what system modules and pager types are used on your Access 3000
Compact paging system.
If a fault does occur on your paging system it will be flashed up on the display up
for 10 seconds accompanied by an alert, after this, the fault is then logged under
Operating Problems in the Report Section of the Main Menu. To clear the fault,
follow the instructions and the recommendations outlined below:
1. Press:
Ctrl 1
2. Select:
Reports [5]
3. Select:
Memory Errors [1]
If the fault is related to a Memory Error an error message will now be
displayed, press
. The fault should then clear with the paging system
returning back to normal operation. Remember to note down the error
If there are further memory faults, additional fault messages will be displayed.
To clear these, press
at each error message prompt. If the fault is not
related to the memory, this will be signaled by the fact there is no response
is pressed, then: