Seite 18
The tailwheel assembly should now be attached to the tailwheel
in the fuselage using the two M3 x 20 mm retaining
Fig. 25
7. Completing the wings (KIT)
Glue one tubular carbon
fi bre spar
in the channel in each
of the wing panels
. Any excess glue which is squeezed
out should be wiped away using a paper towel, otherwise there is
a danger that the spar cover will not fi
t fl ush.
Glue the rear spar covers
in place, taking care to avoid
glue running inside them. At this stage we turn to the landing fl aps
: clip the offset hinge components
and the fl ap horn components
. Glue the offset hinges
and horns in the appropriate recesses in the wings and fl aps.
Fig. 27 + 28
The strut brackets
can now be glued to the wings. Glue the
to the ailerons at the same time.
Figs. 29 + 30
Set the aileron servos (HiTec HS-225BB
# 11 2225
) to centre
from the transmitter
, fi t the output arms on them, and secure the
arms with the retaining screws provided. Place the servos in the
recesses in the wings, and secure them with a little hot-melt glue
applied to the mounting lugs. Attach the swivel pushrod connectors
to the aileron horns
, together with the 2 mm I.D. washers
and M2 nuts
; ensure that the swivel barrel rotates smooth-
ly, but without any trace of lost motion. When you are satisfi ed,
secure the nuts
with a drop of Zacki. Connect the servo lead
to the 150 mm extension lead
# 8 5019
and press the cable into
the channel in the wing.
The servos can now be connected to the aileron horns using
the metal pushrods
. With the servos and ailerons at centre
(neutral), tighten the M3 x 3 mm grubscrews
in the connector
barrels; tighten them fi rmly.
Figs. 31 + 32
Connect the
fl ap servos to the receiver, and run them to the ‘re-
tracted’ end-point from the transmitter. Fit the output lever on the
servo in such a way that the metal fl ap pushrod
is exactly in
line with the servo output arm when the landing fl ap is at neutral,
as shown in
; the servo is not under stress in this position.
Attach the swivel pushrod connector, consisting of parts
68 - 70
, to the fl ap horn as described in the preceding step, and
connect the pushrod
as shown in
Fig. 34
. Check the fl ap
linkages repeatedly until you are
confi dent that they work reliably,
then apply a little hot-melt glue to the servo lugs to fi x the servos
in the wing recesses. Allow the glue to set hard, then tighten the
M3 x 3 mm grubscrews
fi rmly.
Figs. 33 - 35
8. Installing the POWER-MULTIlight lighting system in the
wings (KIT+RR)
The FunCub XL is designed to accept the POWER-MULTIlight
system #
7 3030
. Cables are already present in the wings of the
RR version.
Place one white LED on the wing at the landing light position, lay
the cable on the wing surface along the line of the cable duct, and
cut it off at a point about 10 cm past the root rib; this leaves spare
cable for soldering to a central M6 plug.
If you wish to keep the option of
fi tting a lighting system at a later
date, we recommend that you install cables, or cords for pulling
cables through the structure, at this stage.
The best method of securing the LED is to apply a drop of Zacki.
If the LED is now in the correct position - or if you don’t intend to
fi t a lighting system - the next step is to fi x the clear LED landing
light cover
to the wing by applying a little glue to its edges.
Fig. 36
The anti-collision lights and the
fl ashing lights on the underside
of the wings are installed using the same basic procedure as
described for the landing lights. Glue the lamp brackets
to the
wingtips as shown. Screw the navigation light covers
93 + 94
the brackets
using the 1.7 x 14 mm screws
Fig. 37
9. Completing the wing wiring (KIT+RR)
Glue the connector box frames
82 + 83
in the wings, and deploy
the cables as shown in
Fig. 39
The front spar covers
10 + 11
can now be glued in the recess in
the underside of the wings
Fig. 40
Glue the connector supports
86 + 87
in the frames
82 + 83
a small amount of Zacki, as shown in
Fig. 41
. Now lay the lighting
system cables and the connectors on the support, and fi x the con-
nector clamp
over the top, securing it with the screws
(2.4 x
8 mm). The plugs must be clamped in a defi ned position as shown.
Figs. 41 + 42
Solder an M6 plug to the lighting cables at a point about 5 cm from
the wing root rib, and apply hot-melt glue all round the soldered
joints to seal them, so that no bare contacts are exposed. Alterna-
tively you can use heat-shrink sleeves to insulate the joints. Take
care when assigning the wires to the connector pins in the wing and
the fuselage: please ensure that the correct LEDs are connected.
the LEDs of the POWER-MULTIlight system operate
on different voltages and
fl ashing sequences, so it is not possible
to connect together the positive (+) and negative (-) wires.
Figs. 43 + 44
Fit the covers
84 + 85
on the cable boxes, and secure them with
the 2.7 x 12 mm screws
Figs. 45 + 46
10. Installing the wing retainer system (KIT)
Push an M5 nut
(M5) into each wing root fi tting
78 + 79
, and
secure them with a drop of Zacki; take care to prevent glue running
into the threads. The wing root fi ttings can now be glued to the
wing roots as shown.
Figs. 47 + 48
11. Completing the wing struts (KIT)
Locate the two parts of the lower strut fi ttings
, insert
the aluminium spigot
, and secure the parts with the M2 x 8
mm screws
and M2 nuts
. Please note that the arrows on
must face forward. For the sake of appearance
the screws should be on the top surface.
Screw the strut end-piece
to the assembly. Slide the CFRP
main struts
into the open holes, and glue them securely using
Zacki. In the interests of safety an M2 x 6 mm screw
and an
M2 self-locking nut
should be fi tted between the carbon fi bre
struts as shown, to provide additional clamping pressure to the
strut fi tting.
Repeat the procedure to produce two sets of struts, remembering
to reverse the position of the screws and nuts.
Fig. 49
Fix the ball-links
to the strut brackets in the wings using the
M2 x 8 mm screws
and M2 nuts
. Note that the linkage
balls should face inwards, towards the centre of the wing.
Fig. 50
Fit the upper strut end fi ttings
on the CFRP struts ‘dry’ (no glue),
and clip them onto the linkage balls
. Check that the fi ttings
are at the correct angle before gluing them permanently to the
CFRP strut tubes
, ideally using thin Zacki. Take great care
not to let glue run onto the linkage balls!
Figs. 51 + 52
Содержание FUNCUB XL
Страница 33: ...Seite 33 pic 15 pic 16 pic 13 pic 17 pic 11 pic 14 pic 12 32 33 56 29 7 28 34 34 34 34 34 34 pic 18 74 74 6...
Страница 40: ...Seite 40 pic 71 pic 72 pic 74 pic 69 pic 73 pic 67 pic 70 pic 68 22 34 34 34 34 34 129 20 122 121...
Страница 42: ...Seite 42 pic 85 pic 86 105 85mm Battery RX ESC red LED white LED red LED pic 83 pic 84 80 80...