Seite - 16 - Copyright Müller-Elektronik GmbH u. Co. UNI-Control S Installation and User´s Guide (01/95)
The operating scheme is organized like a book.
Operating scheme
Menu selection
Data block
3.2.1 Menu selection
From each of the 4 data blocks the T1 key is used to go to the menu selection. From there
the keys T1 to T4 are used to move directly to a the specific block.
3.2.2 Data blocks
The input and display are divided into 4 blocks.
After switching on the computer automatically displays the data block ORDER. If the machine is in
working position, the data block OPERATION is displayed.
Within a data block it is possible to go on to the next display by pressing the T4 (next) key.
Data block ORDER
Here the order data is stored, e.g. name of customer, plot, pre-set rate, comments and the number of
the machine. With the exception of the pre-set rate, this data together with the data recorded, such as
worked area, working time etc is stored when the ordering process is finished. The T2 key is pressed
to start the order. The working time is calculated from this time on. At the end of the data block the
menu selection is reached automatically by pressing the T4 key.
Data block MACHINE
Here the machine-specific data is stored, such as working width, impulses/100 m etc. Once all data is
entered, the menu selection is automatically displayed.
Data block OPERATION
Here the data, which is of interest during the operation process, is displayed. If the machine is in
working position, the UNI-Control jumps to the data block OPERATION automatically after about 10
seconds. When implementing e.g. the field sprayer, the speed (km/h) and the current application rate
(l/ha) are displayed. By pressing the T4 key (next) additional information is displayed, e.g. spray
The order is concluded with the T2 key.