1.5 Safety regulations for startup and operation, specific
information for gaseous fuel or dual fuel supply applications
General safety regulations
Requirement for the user: Check the gas train every time the product is started.
During operation, the surface temperature of the gas-bearing parts must not fall below 5 °C anywhere within
the vicinity of the product.
Gas system, general requirements
The plant manufacturer/user shall establish the connection to the gas supply in accordance with the applica-
ble statutory requirements, e.g. DVGW, G490/I, G491/I, DIN EN 12186, NFPA37.
Gas supply shut-off: The plant manufacturer/user shall ensure that the gas shut-off device complies with lo-
cal regulations.
The pressure regulator shall be equipped with an approved safety shut-off valve and a safety exhaust valve to
handle the situation where the pressure at the outlet of the gas pressure regulator is too high. The gas must
be vented to a hazard-free zone (atmosphere).
The gas train shall be equipped with a temperature-monitored flame arrester if the gas supply system is con-
nected to a vessel or if oxygen-containing gases are used.
The gas shut-off valves are activated via two different paths from the control system, with one path assigned
to each of the gas shut-off valves.
The gas train shall feature minimum pressure monitoring.
Additional equipment may be necessary in the gas train, e.g. maximum pressure monitoring, if
• gas supply pressure exceeds 100 mbar
• gas volume flow exceeds 200 m³/h
• fuel efficiency exceeds 600 KW
Safety regulations for initial startup in dual fuel applications
Whenever the product is put into service, ensure that:
• Mobile application: The product shall only be used in the open.
• Stationary application: The product shall only be used with adequate ventilation.
Gas system, requirements for gas operation
The plant manufacturer/user shall use tested gas trains for the fuel supply of the product and connection to
the gas supply network. The manufacturer shall be consulted on matters related to connection conditions
and dimensions.
Gas trains have the following components fitted in the flow direction:
• a manual shut-off valve
• a gas filter
• two gas shut-off valves
• a pressure regulating device
The gas train shall feature automatic leak monitoring.
The plant manufacturer/user shall ensure that the gas train is positioned directly in front of the product, but
no more than 3 meters upstream of the product interface. The interface is the flange of the gas flow control-
ler or the connection of the gas/air mixer of the product.
10 | Safety | MS150098/02E 2016-11
TIM-ID: 0000040550 - 008