Moxa VPort 364 Industrial Video Encoder
System Configuration
Serial Port
The VPort 364 has a PTZ port that can be set for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 serial interface. Refer to the Quick
Installation Guide or Chapter 2 for the connector type and pin assignment.
PTZ port
This PTZ port is used to control a PTZ camera.
Interface mode
Select the serial
The PTZ port supports 3 serial interfaces, although only one
interface can be used at a time. Depending on the interface
used by the attached device, administrators must set the
Interface mode to either RS-232, RS-422, or RS485.
Control mode
The VPort supports 2 PTZ control modes: “Transparent PTZ” control and “PTZ driver.”
Transparent PTZ Control:
Select Transparent PTZ Control to control the PTZ camera with a legacy PTZ control panel or joystick
connected to the CCTV system. The application is illustrated in the following figures.