NPort W2150A-W4/W2250A-W4 Series User Manual
Ignore jammed IP
Disable, Enable
This field specifies how an unresponsive IP address is handled when there are simultaneous
connections to the serial port.
Disable: All transmission will be suspended if one IP address becomes unresponsive.
Transmission will only resume when all hosts have responded.
Enable: Data transmission to the other hosts will not be suspended if one IP address
becomes unresponsive.
Destination address 1 to 4
IP address and port (e.g., “” and “4001”)
This field specifies the remote host(s) that will access the attached device. At least one
destination must be provided. This field supports the use of domain names and names
defined in the host table.
In TCP Client mode, up to four connections can be established between the serial port and TCP hosts. The
connection speed or throughput may be low if any one of the four connections is slow, since the one slow
connection will slow down the other three connections.
Designated local port 1 to 4
1 to 65535
This field specifies the TCP port number that will be used for data transmission with the
serial port.
Connection control
Startup/None, Any Character/None, Any Character/Inactivity Time, DSR On/DSR Off, DSR
On/None, DCD On/DCD Off, DCD On/None
This field specifies how connections to the device are established and closed.
Startup/None: The connection will be opened as the NPort starts up. The connection will
only be closed manually.
Any Character/None: The connection will be opened as soon as a character is received from
the attached device. The connection will only be closed manually.
Any Character/Inactivity Time: The connection will be opened as soon as a character is
received from the attached device. The connection will be closed if no data is received for
the time specified in Inactivity time.
DSR On/DSR Off: The TCP connection is opened when the DSR signal is on, and closed
when the DSR signal is off.
DSR On/None: The TCP connection is opened when the DSR signal is on. The connection
will only be closed manually.
DCD On/DCD Off: The TCP connection is opened when the DCD signal is on, and closed
when the DCD signal is off.
DCD On/None: The TCP connection is opened when the DCD signal is on. The connection
will only be closed manually.