NPort W2150A-W4/W2250A-W4 Series User Manual
NPort Command Line Interface Ver2.0 Build 16052400
1. NPort Driver operation:
npcli /driver [/install | /uninstall | /upgrade] [PATH_NAME]
/install Install specified driver to host.
/uninstall Uninstall current installed driver from host.
/upgrade Upgrade specified driver without modifying the mapped ports.
PATH_NAME Specify the installer file of the NPort Driver Manager to install
or upgrade.
2. RealCOM port operation:
npcli /driver /add IP_ADDR /port PORT_NO /com COM_NO [/txmode [hiperf |
classical]] [/fifo [enable | disable]] [/flush [fast | normal]]
npcli /driver /remove /com [COM_NO | all]
/add Add a RealCOM with a valid IP address (IP_ADDR).
/port Specify the NPort port number (PORT_NO) to add.
/com Specify the COM number to add or remove (COM_NO).
/txmode Set the TX mode as hi-performance (hiperf) or classical. The
default is hiperf.
/fifo Set the FIFO as enable or disable. The default is enable.
/flush Set to enable fast flush(fast) or disable fast flush(normal).
The default is fast.
/remove Remove specified COM number (COM_NO) or all RealCOM ports.
3. NPort devices operation:
npcli /devicd /search
npcli /device /set ID /network [/ip IP_ADDR] [/mask SUBNET]
[/gateway IP_ADDR] [/password CIPHER]
npcli /device /apply ID [/password CIPHER]
/search Search the NPort and store the list to the memory.
/set Specify the ID to set. Users must specify one of the searched
NPorts for further operations. The default is 1.
/port Specify the NPort port number (PORT_NO) to set.
/password Specify the password (CIPHER) if the NPort has one.
/network Set to change the network settings.
/ip Change the IP address (IP_ADDR) of NPort.
/mask Change the subnet mask (SUBNET) of NPort.
/gateway Change the IP address (IP_ADDR) of gateway.
/apply Specify the ID to save changes and restart the NPort.
4. Examples
npcli /driver /install D:\Users\drvmgr_setup_Ver1.19.0_Build_15122492
npcli /driver /uninstall
npcli /driver /add /port 1 /com 3
npcli /driver /add /port 2 /com 4 /flush normal
npcli /device /search
npcli /device /set 1 /network /ip /mask
/password moxa
npcli /device /apply 1
Npcli.exe requires an administrator privilege to change device settings.
It support only IPv4 and it must be run under Windows XP and later versions.