M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
In the right footwell: pull the two red wires into the
cockpit and route them behind the dash and over to the
driver’s side of the car.
366-348 Inst Fig 122B
Locate the Fuel pump Inertia switch (Fig 122B) up under
the dash on the driver’s side.
The switch has two male
spade terminals. There will be two white wires in a single
black plastic connector on one side, and one white wire in a
black connector on the other.
Make a jumper wire from the 2 inch piece of white wire
and the two male spade connectors included in the inertia
switch wiring kit.
It will be necessary to pull the blue plastic
insulation off the male spade connector. Wrap a small piece
of electrical tape around the exposed metal shank of the
male spade connectors.
Pull both black plastic connectors off the terminals on
the inertia switch. Connect the two white wires to the single
white wire with the jumper wire you just made.
The white
wires provide power to the overdrive electrics in addition to
the original fuel pump. The fuel pump wire in the trunk has
been taped off and will not be used. There is no reason why
the overdrive electrics need to be shut off in the event of a
collision. It was just convenient for the factory to do it this
way. To provide power to the overdrive electrics, we are
bypassing the inertia switch.
Back in the engine compartment. Run the loose end
of the red-white wire down and out of the engine
compartment, following the fuel hose we just ran.
Zip-tie the wire to the hose to keep them together &
to make it neat. (123.1)
This completes part 16.5 of the installation
366-348 Inst Fig 123
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