Manual Part No: 930154-01
MD Electric Grill
- 17 –
Manual Rev No: 1
Users Instructions (cont.)
Using the Brander
The brander is supplied with a detachable grease trough intended for the collection of fat. The brander
can be positioned level, or at different angles as required for cooking, but the front pegs must always be
positioned in the front locations on the sides to ensure the brander does not move.
Care should be taken when removing the brander to prevent spillage of fat from the trough.
The pre-heated brander will brand and brown steaks on the underside.
The food on the brander may be unloaded in situ. Alternatively, the brander should be
from the grill for unloading or cleaning purposes.
When cooking steak, it is necessary to pre-heat the brander for 15 minutes in the grilling position.
It should be noted that pre-heating the brander very close to the burner plaques could lead to
deterioration/twisting of the brander.
Cooking Steak
Steaks are normally cooked on a sloping brander plate. Rare steaks are cooked at the rear of the
brander, i.e. nearest the burner. Steaks that are required to be well done should be cooked at the front
of the brander.
Cooking Times
It is not possible to give exact cooking times because of the variation in thickness and cuts of steak.
However, as a general guide: -
Well done
7 minutes
2 minutes per side.
(at the centre of the brander)
When grilling, use the toast rack, but tall dishes may need to be placed directly on the base of the grill.