MSST5/10-S UserManual
MSST5/10-S UserManual
7 Trouble Shooting
Why does the drive indicate a motor ohm error when the motor is changed?
At power-up the drive automatically measures motor resistance, compares it with the last mea-
sured value and stores it. If the resistance value varies by 40% or more, an error will be given The
best way to deal with this problem is to enter the proper motor parameters with the Configurator
Why does the drive indicate an over-voltage error after stopping from high speed motion?
High speed motion generates high back EMF which can be transferred to the drive and destroy
it after a sudden stop. MOONS’ recommends using a RC050 to protect the drive in a high speed
How is the function of “Electronic damping/Anti-resonance” used?
The anti-resonance feature is most effective in restraining midrange resonance of 5-20rps if the
load inertia can be set precisely. If the exact inertia is unknown, the best results are achieved
through experimentation.
How is the function of Waveform Smoothing used?
The Waveform Smoothing feature allows for fine adjustment of the phase current waveform har-
monic content to reduce low-speed torque ripple in the range of 0.25 to 1.5 rps. With some mo-
tors, such as MOONS’, there is no need to use this function.