MSST5/10-S UserManual
MSST5/10-S UserManual
In the Velocity Dialog box, the drive is setup and all available I/O are configured.
▪ Checking the Use STEP input as Run/Stop will command the drive to run using a switch or
signal from another electronic device. If this box is not checked, the motor will run at all times
unless the Speed proportional to analog input box is checked and the analog input voltage is
set at 0.
▪ Input DIR always controls the motor direction.
▪ The motor can be run at a fixed speed if a number is entered in the Speed box. Acceleration
and Deceleration rates are also set here.
▪ When it is desired for the drive to run in analog input mode, the speed proportional to analog
input box must be checked. The maximum speed corresponding to 5V analog input is set in
the Speed box. When the value 10 rev/sec at +5V is set , 2.5V analog input will produce 5
rev/sec. The analog input can also change the motor direction if values are entered under the
Advanced Settings tab.
Advanced Analog Settings
When a joystick will be used to operate the drive in both directions, an offset must be
entered that is half the voltage range of the joystick. If the drive’s 5V output is being used to
power an analog joystick, the offset should be 2.5V. The maximum speed is half the value en-
tered in the Analog Input box above and so 2.5V analog input will correspond to zero speed.
When it is necessary to stop the motor with an analog signal that doesn’t go to 0
volts or an offset value (potentiometers can usually go to 0 volts, but electronic circuits usually
can’t), then a deadband is required. This is the range of voltages in which the motor does not
run and is useful for stopping the motor when the joystick is released.
Filter Frequency:
If the analog signal is noisy, the motor speed may not remain constant.
Industrial systems often pick up electrical noise on an analog wire and the ST’s high resolution
12-bit analog input may respond to the noise. In this occurs, the analog filter frequency should
be lowered until the issue is resolved. If the frequency is set too low, the motor may change
speed more slowly than specified in the acceleration and deceleration boxes due to excessive