Remove the Finial nut b y
unscrewing. Save for later use.
Remove the Hex nut b y
unscrewing. Save for later use.
Attach switch cap to fan b y lining up
4 screw holes and installing the 4
screws removed and saved from ear-
lier step. Tighten screws securely.
Install 3 x 40 w att incandescent candelabra
bulbs. Bulbs included.
WARNING: Over lamping the fan will
result in the fan lights shutting down
until the proper wattage of bulbs are
installed.Reset the lights by turning off
the wall switch, breaker,or by remote.
Replace bulbs with the correct wattage
bulbs, turn the power on.
Install glass onto light kit, install
rubber washer and hex nut to hold in
place and tighten in direction of
Install finial cap and tighten in direc -
tion of arrow.
Adjust the light kit to align with the
upper motor housing. See bottom
picture for alignment of y our fan to
the shape of your room. You may
position your fan to your style.