7.4 Stroboscope Disposal
Prior to disposing of the battery-powered strobe, the user must
remove the Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries. To do this, remove
the LED assembly first. This will expose four (4) screws that
must be removed so the reflector housing can be dismantled.
There are four (4) additional screws in the case half opposite the input and
output jacks that must be removed. The case halves can now be separated,
exposing the batteries. Remove the cables from the batteries and place tape
over the battery terminals to prevent them from shorting. The batteries
should be sent to a recycling center or returned to the factory. The rest of
the parts may now be disposed of.
Flash Range
30 - 500,000 FPM (Flashes Per Minute), 0.5 to 8333.33 Hz
Flash Rate Accuracy
0.004% of setting or ± last digit
Flash Rate Resolution
0.01 to 1 FPM (menu selectable), 0.1 FPM resolution above
9,999.99 FPM, 1 FPM resolution above 99,999.9
Display Update Rate
Flash Range
0 - 500,000 FPM (Flashes Per Minute) 0.5 to 8333.33Hz
Tachometer Mode
5 to 500,000 RPM
Accuracy: ±0.001% of reading or ± last digit
Display Update Rate
0.5 second typical
Trigger to Flash Delay
< 5 µsec
External Input
TTL Compatible (24V pk max), 500 nanosec min pulse width,
Positive or Negative edge triggered (menu selectable)
Output Pulse
5V pulse – positive or negative (menu selectable) One pulse per
Time Base
Ultra Stable Crystal Oscillator
LCD display with 6 numeric 0.506 inch [12.85 mm] high digits
and 5 alphanumeric 0.282 inch [7.17 mm] high digits
Battery level, On Target, ALT, TACH, and EXT icons