will increase the flash rate by N (300 in this example) for each click
or turning it clockwise will decrease the flash rate by N. It is not
possible to decrement the flash rate below 30 FPM.
3.2 Adjusting the Flash Duration (Brightness)
The flash duration, the width of the LED flash, can be adjusted by the
user to be a preset number of degrees of rotation (DEGS) or a fixed with
in microseconds (uSEC). The result is a more or less bright image at the
expense of less or more image blur. Read the section on Brightness -
Section 5.0.
3.2.1 Flash Duration - Degrees
To view or adjust the flash duration press the
button shown on the right. The display will show the
current flash duration in degrees of rotation – note that
there are 360° in a complete rotation. The degrees
shown is the amount of rotation visible during the
flash. The higher the degrees the brighter the image
and the more apparent the blur. Use the knob to
increase or decrease the flash duration in degrees of rotation. Adjusting
the degrees will cause this to be the controlling parameter for pulse
width. As the flash rate increases or decreases the strobe will adjust
the flash duration to keep it at the preset number of degrees provided
this does not exceed the strobe specifications. Press any key other
to exit or press
again to go to
MICROSECOND adjustment.
3.2.2 Flash Duration - Microseconds
To view or adjust the flash duration in microseconds press
button again after viewing degrees or press the
button twice from normal operation. The display
will show the current flash duration in microseconds (uSECS) – this