7. Planking Inboard
(Ceiling Planks)
The inboard transom is covered with
1/32” ceiling planks, as is the forward
area under the anchor deck above the
8. Deck Planking
Hatch and Companionway Coamings:
Before planking the deck, decide how
to treat the hatch and companionway
coamings. We recommend shipwright
practice. Glue all coamings on top of
the appropriate bulkheads, then plank
around them to save work and materi-
als. Be sure to glue and pin scrap wood
underneath the coaming’s three free
sides prior to installation. This takes
the place of deck beams and provides a
permanent landing for the planks
(Figure 2-7). The alternative approach
is to glue completed hatches and com-
panionways on top of the deck, but
that affects their scale height.
Deck Planks:
Main deck planks are
1/16” thick. Anchor deck planks are
1/32” thick. Planking runs parallel to
the centerline.
Prepare the strips by painting one edge
black or dark brown to simulate deck
caulking. Or, attach the planks with
brown woodworker ’s glue. It’s dark
enough to pass for caulking.
Thick Pads:
Laser-cut thick pads go
under the windlass knees and around
the mainmast. Fit these before plank-
ing, then plank around them.
Start deck planking at the
centerline and work outboard. Scrape
off any glue that squeezes out before
adding the next plank. Butts can be
included or omitted. On the real ship,
they don’t show up as readily as the
seams. Butts can also be scribed in after
the plank is laid. Since deck planking
doesn’t curve like hull planking, using
strips the length of the deck is okay. If
desired, fasten planks with brads or
treenails. See hull plank discussion.
Anchor Deck:
Before planking the
anchor deck, paint the areas under-
neath it, then add the bowsprit bitts
and edge beams. After planking the
anchor deck, mount the forward
Read the segment on Standing
Rigging - Fore and Aft Stays -Mainstay.
Decide whether to temporarily omit
some anchor deck planking and the
breasthook to facilitate rigging the
mainstay. Also, the exact location for
the mainstay holes in the anchor deck
may not be known at this point.