5. Installing the Bulkheads
Compare the laser-cut bulkheads with the
pattern plan, determine which is which,
and label them A through O. Test each to
make sure it will slide into the center keel
slots. If the fit is too tight, sand the slots
until the bulkhead slips on. It should be a
snug fit with a little tolerance for glue.
Using a pencil, mark the location of the
reference line on each bulkhead. It must
align with the reference line mark on the
center keel. This assures an accurate hull,
because each bulkhead is correctly related
to the others.
Next, mark the bevels on the bulkheads.
Use a tick strip to transfer the lines from the
plans, or lay the pattern over the bulkhead
and prick with a pin to locate the bevel. Cut
the bevels with a #11 hobby blade as shown
in Figure 1-4. Deck bevels and the side
bevels amidships are not drawn, because
they are hardly measurable. Sand these in
after the bulkheads are installed.
Glue the bulkheads in place. Make sure
each bulkhead’s reference line matches the
center keel’s line. Use a small machinist
square to set each bulkhead perpendicular
to the center keel, then tack or tape a tem-
porary strip to the top of the bulkhead to
hold it in place while the glue dries
(Figure 1-5).
Once the bulkheads are installed, tack or tape
a temporary batten to each side of the hull
just below the deck (Figure 1-6). This is a crit-
ical step. Measure the spacing between each
port and starboard bulkhead and retack the
battens until the hull is aligned. Although the
center keel was assembled flat, it could warp
and produce a banana-shaped hull. When it
looks correct, check it again.
Now examine the bottom of each bulkhead.
It should feather out and lie precisely on
the bearding line. If not, trim until it does.
Also check that the top of each bulkhead at
the centerline is flush with the top of the
center keel. Since alignment is based on the
reference marks, slight errors can occur.
Sand or add shims until the bulkheads and
center keel surfaces are flush (Figure 1-7).
Next, sand in the bevels that were not pre-
cut. Check the hull’s fairness by laying a
1/8” square basswood batten against the
bulkhead edges (Figure 1-8). Correct bumps
and dips by sanding or adding shims. This
is an important check. Hull planks must lie
flat against the bulkheads. With
numerous bulkheads, it’s possible for man-
ufacturing or assembly errors to occur.
Fig. 1-8 Checking Hull Fairness with a Batten
Needs trim or shim
depending on fairness
with next bulkhead
Needs trim
Needs shim
Fig. 1-9 Installing Stern Frames
This one
Use temporary strips for
alignment of frames
Cut slots
Bulkhead "O"
Counter block
Fig. 1-10 Installing the Bow Filler Block
Bow filler block
Bulkhead "A"
Carve to hull form
Slot for knighthead