3- 2 . C A U T I O N S R E L A T E D T O N E W
C autions for units utilizi ng refrigerant R 4 1 0 A
U se new refrigerant p ip es.
M ake sure th at th e inside and outside of refrige-
rant p ip ing is c lean and it h as no c ontaminants
suc h as sulfur, ox ides, dirt, sh av ing p artic les, etc ,
wh ic h are h az ard to refrigerant c y c le.
I n addition, use p ip es with sp ec ified th ic kness.
T h e refrigerant oil ap p lied to flare and flange
c onnec tions must b e ester oil, eth er oil or
alky lb ez ene oil in a small amount.
In case of using the ex isting pipes for R22, be careful with
the following:
· B e sure to perform replacement operation before test run.
· Change flare nut to the one provided with this product.
Use a newly flared pipe.
· Avoid using thin pipes.
C h arge refrigerant from liq uid p h ase of gas
c y linder.
If the refrigerant is charged from gas phase, composition change
may occur in refrigerant and the efficiency will be lowered.
U se a v ac uum p ump with a rev erse flow c h ec k
v alv e.
V acuum pump oil may flow back into refrigerant cycle and
that can cause deterioration of refrigerant oil, etc.
U se th e following tools sp ec ific ally designed for
use with R 4 1 0 A refrigerant.
The following tools are necessary to use R410A refrigerant.
Handle tools with c are.
If dirt, dust or moisture enters into refrigerant cycle, that can
cause deterioration of refrigerant oil or malfunction of com-
D o not use a c h arging c y linder.
If a charging cylinder is used, the composition of refrigera-
nt will change and the efficiency will be lowered.
Flare tool
Electronic refrigerant
charging scale
V acuum pump adaptor
Size adjustment gauge
Gauge manifold
Torq ue wrench
Gas leak detector
Charge hose
Tools for R410A
Contamination inside refrigerant piping can cause deterio-
ration of refrigerant oil, etc.
If large amount of mineral oil enters, that can cause deterio-
ration of refrigerant oil, etc.
S tore th e p ip ing indoors, and b oth ends of th e
p ip ing sealed until j ust b efore b raz ing.
( L eav e elb ow j oints, etc . in th eir p ac kaging.)
If dirt, dust or moisture enters into refrigerant cycle, that can
cause deterioration of refrigerant oil or malfunction of compressor.
V entilate th e room if refrigerant leaks during
op eration. I f refrigerant c omes into c ontac t with
a flame, p oisonous gases will b e released.
U se th e sp ec ified refrigerant only .
N ev er use any refrigerant oth er th an th at sp ec ified.
Doing so may cause a burst, an ex plosion, or fire when the
unit is being used, serviced, or disposed of.
Correct refrigerant is specified in the manuals and on the
spec labels provided with our products.
We will not be held responsible for mechanical failure,
system malfunction, unit breakdown or accidents caused
by failure to follow the instructions.
D o not use refrigerant oth er th an R 4 1 0 A .
If other refrigerant (R22, etc.) is used, chlorine in refrige-
rant can cause deterioration of refrigerant oil, etc.
3- 1 . A L W A Y S O B S E R V E F O R S A F E T Y
B efore ob taining ac c ess to terminal, all sup p ly c irc uits must b e disc onnec ted.
P rep aration b efore th e rep air serv ic e.
P rec autions during th e rep air serv ic e.
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