Aastra 470 as of R3.2
syd-0337/1.6 – R3.2 – 09.2014
4. 2. 5
Desktop installation
For desktop installation simply place the Aastra 470 communication server on a
flat, level surface. Several communication servers can be stacked directly on top of
one another.
For the desktop installation of the communication server proceed as follows:
1. Affix the 4 rubber feet supplied to each of the corners of the communications
server’s housing base.
2. If necessary install the redundant fan unit (see
3. Connect the earthing (see
"Connecting the earthing wire", page 99
4. Always observe the location requirements set out in
4. 2. 6
The rack mounting of the Aastra 470 communication server allows it to be installed
horizontally in a 19” rack. Be sure to observe the following:
• The communication server takes up the space of 2 height units (units) inside the
19” rack. (1 height unit corresponds to 44.45 mm).
• Several communication servers can be stacked directly on top of one another. To
do so, make sure the rubber feet are removed first.
• With interface cards with more than 8 ports it is advisable to route the cabling
via an fan-out-panel (FOP) (1 height unit).
4. 2. 6. 1
Rack-mounting procedure
Materials required:
• Fastening kit for rack mounting
• Screwdriver
To rack-mount a communication server proceed as follows:
1. Pull off the screw covers on the left and right of the front panel.
2. Secure the cage nuts in the appropriate positions in the rack’s fastening rails.
3. If necessary install the redundant fan unit (see