miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
Time delay
A delay of up to 30 ms can be applied to each output channel. To set the delay, click in the delay entry box for a
channel. The delay value can be entered numerically, and the up and down arrows can be used to change the
delay in small (0.02 ms) increments. The maximum time delay of 30 ms corresponds to a distance of
approximately 10.3 meters (about 35 feet).
The time delay corresponds to a distance. This distance is shown in centimeters below the entry box.
Note: The Dirac Live analysis algorithm
sets the time delay on the left and right channel. The time delay on
the output channels should be used to time-align drivers (in the case of a two-way loudspeaker) and to optimize
subwoofer integration (when the DDRC-24 is being used to drive one or more subwoofers).
Custom biquad programming is available in the PEQ and Crossover blocks. Its purpose is to allow you to directly
provide the low-level parameters aka
biquad coefficients
that control the digital filters of the processor, thus
providing an almost infinite degree of flexibility.
For example, you can create hybrid crossovers with staggered cutoff frequencies, create parametric EQ filters
beyond those provided in the easy-to-
use “basic” interface, implement a Linkwitz trans
form, or mix crossover
and EQ biquads in the same block.
What’s a “biquad?
A biquad is the basic unit of processing that is used to create digital filters. It can be described either with an
equation or with a signal flow diagram, as shown here: