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Stereo room correction and subwoofer integration
In a stereo room correction with subwoofer integration configuration, the plugin is set up to route low
frequencies from the left and right inputs to a single subwoofer output. This diagram illustrates the connections:
On the
Rename the output channels (from left to right) to “Left Sp”, “Right Sp”, “Sub” and “Unused”.
Mute channel 4 (“Unused”).
Set a high pass crossover filter on channels 1 and 2 (“Left Sp” and “Right Sp”). For example:
Set a low pass crossover filter on chan
nel 3 (“Sub”). For example:
On the
tab, set the matrix like this:
You may need to do measurements with Room EQ Wizard (or a similar program) to fine-tune your subwoofer
crossover settings, as described in our DDRC-24 Sub integration note
. After you have set up the
DDRC-24 plugin, save your configuration to a file. Then run a Dirac Live calibration as described in the