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/ Features and Specifications are subject to change without prior notice
P 14
Advanced mode for custom biquad programming
The Advanced mode can be used for your custom filters of external software such as Room EQ Wizard (REW). For more information
about the auto-tuning feature of the miniDSP, please check miniDSP’s website for the following
application note
Compressor /Limiter
Master volume control
The master volume allows control of all 10 outputs channels ( digital) of the miniDSP unit. It is enabled from the front panel
unit (VOL-FP panel) and requires a small configuration from the software to be enabled. Please make sure to select the “IR mode” to
make sure your unit is correctly configured.
Load/Save/Restore a configuration
Load configuration:
Use this feature to load a previously saved configuration. The file must be as .xml format and previously saved from this plug-in. For
complexity reasons, inter-plug-in compatibility is not available.
Per Band
bypass EQ
Comp/ Limiter metering
shows real time amount of
attenuation by comp/limiter
Bypass Comp/ Limiter
Comp/ Limiter chart
Typical Comp/Limiter settings
A compressor/Limiter allows dynamic range compression of the signal to prevent damage of your speakers. Extensive information is
available online
on the use of compressor/limiter. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with such processing block before
using it.