Instruction Manual Mi456 TITRATABLE TOTAL ACIDITY Minititrator for wine analysis
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• Use the 2000 μL automatic pipette to add
exactly 2 mL of wine sample to the 50 mL
• Fill the beaker up to the 50 mL mark with
deionized water, place the stirrer bar into
the beaker and then place the beaker in the
appropriate place on the minititrator top.
• Place the electrode holder on the top of the
beaker and secure it by turning clockwise.
• Immerse the pH and the temperature probe
approximately 2 cm (0.8“) into the sample
to be tested while paying attention to not
touch the stir bar.
• Insert the dosing tip in the appropriate
place and pay attention to not be immersed
into solution.
Make sure the instrument has been calibrated (pH and pump calibration) before
performing a wine sample analysis.