Configuration MC13xx
Users Manual Rev. 1.19
6.16 Test image
For testing of camera logic and video data transmission, sensor data can be replaced by an internal gray
scale pattern with pixel values of 0..127. Use digital gain command to see pixel values of 0..255.
Command example:
Response: none
6.17 Image counter
If a sequence of frames is to be recorded for long time at a high frame rate, it can be useful to mark the
images for later identification or check for completeness.
MC13xx has a 16-Bit image counter whose count can replace the first two pixel of every image. The
image counter is cleared with every low to high transition of r7[1], the camera enable bit. It is incre-
mented by every new image.
Command example:
6.18 ImageBLITZ
shutter release, MC131x only
The ImageBLITZ
shutter release is only implemented in MC131x, not in MC130x.
ImageBLITZ can replace an external signal (e.g.: a light barrier) to release the shutter. Like a light bar-
rier, ImageBLITZ is used to capture fast moving objects on the exact same position on the image.
Contrary to the light barrier, ImageBLITZ uses the same information as condition to release the shutter
as the then exposed image.
ImageBLITZ defines one specific line or a part of the 1024 lines as trigger window. This is true even if
the selected image size is less 1024 lines or outside of the selected image area.
After activation of ImageBLITZ and after issuing the EXP signal as an enable signal, the MC131x
hardware checks the gray values in the trigger window at a repetition rate that is defined by the expo-
sure time selected with bits 3..0 of r6.
If a selectable number of pixels along that trigger window exceed or fall short of a selectable threshold,
one single image is exposed and output.
To adjust ImageBLITZ®, the trigger line can be superimposed to the image. Within the selected line, 10
pixel are displayed as a dotted black- and white line as long as the selected threshold is not passed.
ImageBLITZ is configured with the registers r8..rC