Configuration MC13xx
Users Manual Rev. 1.19
6 Configuration
The MC13xx has 15 FPGA registers, r1..rf
, each 10 bit wide, eight D/A registers, a1..a8, 8-bit wide,
and one clock select register, 4 bit wide. The contents of all the above registers is called a profile. There
is space in non volatile memory for 17 profiles: one PowerUpProfile, 8 user profiles and 8 factory pro-
Any change of a specific register through the serial interface is immediately processed and written to
the volatile part of the memory and gets lost when power goes down. A
must be used to store
the actual setting in non volatile memory. After power-up the PowerUpProfile is loaded from the non-
volatile to the volatile part of the memory.
A load or write command exchanges data between the PowerUpProfile and one of the eight user pro-
files. The eight factory profiles can be read but not be written by any command. All values are given in
hexadecimal notation, e.g.: 0xff or 0ffh = 255.
6.1 Commands
ASCII strings are used to change camera parameters. All commands start with a colon, followed by one
selection character and a value in hexadecimal notation with two or three ASCII characters.
After a command has been recognized, processing is immediate, for all commands but the save type
commands (:px). These need a EEPROM write time of app 1ms. An answer is provided with read type
commans (:v, :w, :W) or, if the command “command acknowledge flag” is set, after processing of each
command an ACK or NAK character. Processing of wrong command is stopped immediately on recog-
nizing the error. A new command must start with a colon.