Configuration MC13xx
Users Manual Rev. 1.19
6.9 Firmware
6.9.1 Update
MC13xx’s logic is integrated into a FPGA (
rray), which’s configuration is
stored in an EEPROM. Upon power up or a command the FPGA is loaded with this configuration. Con-
figuration data can be downloaded via the serial interface of Camera Link®. Mikrotron may provide
configuration files (*.ibf) on request.
After download of configuration data, this data is permanently stored in EEPROM and the FPGA is
configured with the new data. Besides a power cycle, the
command can be used to reconfigure the
FPGA with the internally stored configuration data.
Download of *.ibf file via serial link with 9600Bd takes app. 1.5-5
min depending on the used camera. There should be no loss of
power or communication during this time!
6.9.2 Reset and configuration of the internal FPGA
The command
executes a reset in the camera. The FPGA will be reconfigured and all internal regis-
ters reloaded with the last saved PowerUpProfile. The FPGA is also configured after each power up.
Response: none
6.10 Horizontal pixelbinning
Pixelbinning adds the gray values of two adjacent pixels and outputs it as one pixel with double sensi-
tivity. In X-direction only 512 pixels are needed to cover the sensors full size.
To retain aspect ratio, every second line is discarded, if this feature is not disabled by setting Bit 8 of
register 6
vertical pixelbinning
is activated.
Response: none
If discarding of every other line is not disabled
, the contents of
is doubled in camera logic.
To address a specific line on the sensor, the value written into
has to be divided by two and
not exceed 1ffh.
To output 256 lines from line 128, set r1 = 63 and r3 = 255 (=0xff).
6.11 Vertical pixelbinning
Vertical pixelbinning adds the gray values of two superimposed pixel of a column. This doubles sensi-
tivity and vertical field of view. To retain aspect ratio, in addition
horizontal binning
must be activated.
To activate, set bit 2 in register 6.
Command example:
Response: none