Wake on COR/Wake on VOX:
Select the appropriate method that the unit should use to come out of power save.
Note: Most portables do not provide COR detection on the speaker mic port, so it will be necessary to use VOX
COR Hold-Up Time
This is the amount of time after loss of COR/VOX that the unit considers COR/VOX dropped.
VOX Settings > Sensitivity:
This is a threshold detection based on the energy level in the audio.
VOX Settings > Attack Time:
This sets the minimum time before the unit will detect VOX.
VOX Settings > Decay Time
: This sets the time before the unit will drop the VOX detection. Be certain to set this
long enough so that you do not have drop outs between words or on brief pauses.
Beep Options > Power Up:
Enables a short beep sequence that takes place immediately after power-up.
Beep Options > Error:
This beep may be triggered by any input event if programmed to do so. For example, if a
long press on the Mode Input is not assigned to a function, it may be configured to generate the error beep. If
there is a failure of the GPS module, then about 20 seconds after power up the error beep will be heard.
Beep Options > Mode:
This is used to indicate to the user when the mode has been enabled/disabled (i.e. Lone
Worker enabled).
Beep Options > Go Ahead:
This is a local beep out the speaker to indicate to the user that ANI has been sent
and it is okay to talk.
Beep Options > Wake Up Beep:
Enables a short beep to be sent over the air after PTT is pressed. Enabling this
beep is recommended when the 'Wake on VOX' feature is used.
Beep Options > Courtesy Beep:
If selected, once the PTT button is released, the unit will generate a courtesy
tone to let others know it is done transmitting.
Beep Options > Enable Side Tone Pin:
Future Use.