The microphone features a 50' (15.2 m)
permanently-attached miniature cable. The cable
may be cut to any length and connected to screw
terminals on the AT8534 wall/ceiling plate power
module provided. The power module features a
white-finished standard electrical cover plate for
easy, secure installation. It can be powered from
any external 11V to 52V DC phantom power
supply. Output is low impedance balanced.
The microphone is enclosed in a rugged
housing with a low-reflectance black finish. It
is also available with white housing, cable and
hanger as the ES933PMW/H.
The ES933PM/H is a wide-range miniature
condenser microphone with a hypercardioid
polar pattern. It is designed for quality sound
reinforcement, professional recording, television
and other demanding sound pickup applications.
The ES933PM/H is furnished with a vinyl-coated
steel hanger that allows it to be adjusted for
correct positioning. An included snap-on foam
windscreen effectively reduces noise from wind
or ventilation air currents.
The hypercardioid polar pattern provides a
100° angle of acceptance. Additional interchange-
able elements with cardioid (120°) and
(90°) pickup patterns are available.
A 10 dB gain switch is provided for situations
that demand extra sensitive pickup. The +10
position increases the microphone's overall
output by 10 dB.
The AT8534 wall/ceiling plate power module is
designed to be mounted in a standard metal U.S.
single-gang electrical box. For safety and best
performance, use the electrical box
the AT8534; do not include any AC power
conductors. (Also route the mic cable as far
away from AC power cables as possible.)
Feed the small cable from the mic through the
strain relief on the power module plate. Tie a
loose knot in the cable at the desired length and
push it down gently into the recess in the back of
the strain relief to secure the microphone. Cut
excess cable, strip the mic cable wires (Fig. 3) and
attach them to their respective input terminals.
Screw-terminal output connections of the
AT8534 are the same as those of an XLR-type
plug: shield to Terminal 1, balanced signal and
phantom power to Terminals 2 and 3. Output
is phased so that positive acoustic pressure
produces positive voltage at Terminal 2, in
accordance with industry convention.
Do not
connect the output cable shield to the box.
Double-check to make certain that all input and
output leads have no bare wires or loose strands
that could touch each other, the circuit board or
the electrical box.Then attach the power module
plate to the electrical box.
While a modern condenser microphone is not
unduly sensitive to the environment, temperature
extremes can be harmful. Avoid leaving the
microphone in the open sun or in areas where
temperatures exceed 110° F (43° C) for long
periods of time. Extremely high humidity should
also be avoided.
The combination of small size and excellent
response makes the ES933PM/H ideal for
suspension over choirs, instrumental groups or
theater stages. A uniform 100° angle of accep-
tance provides well-balanced audio pickup. The
microphone should be located forward of the
front-most source, above the rear-most source,
and “aimed” between them (Fig. 1). Increasing the
height of the mic above the sources will tend to
equalize sound levels between them, but may also
increase pickup of background or reverberant
sound. Whenever possible, the distance from the
mic to the rear-most source should be no more
than twice the distance to the front source, to
maintain front-to-rear balance (Fig. 1).
Width of pickup is approximately 2.5 times
the distance to the closest performer. If additional
mics are needed for wide sources, they should be
positioned apart laterally at least 2.5 times the
distance to the front source, to avoid phase
cancellation (Fig. 2).
To orient the microphone in the proper
direction, twist the housing slightly in its wire
holder (clockwise rotation moves the
microphone to the right; counterclockwise
rotation moves it to the left).
The provided foam windscreen simply snaps
over the head of the microphone, effectively
reducing noise from wind or ventilation air
An integral 80 Hz high-pass UniSteep
provides easy switching from a flat frequency
response to a low-end roll-off (switch located on
circuit board). The roll-off position reduces the
pickup of low-frequency ambient noise (such as
air-handling systems,
reverberation and mechanically coupled vibrations.
Installation and Operation
Hypercardioid Condenser
Hanging Microphone
with Wall/Ceiling Plate
Power Module
Figure 1
Figure 2
Shield strands,
fully twisted
" strip reds
and yellows
Figure 3